In the Childrens Choir the girls prepare to audition for MidtVest Junior Choir and later MidtVest Girls Choir. Throughout a 2-year course, we work on the fundamental vocal training and movement to establish a secure fundament to build on. In the 2nd year of the course, another purpose is for all choir members to pass the level 1 test in ear training.
Choir rehearsals
The Childrens Choir rehearses twice a week at the Jutland School of Singing: Mondays and Wednesdays 4-5 PM. Choir season usually starts in the beginning of September. MidtVest Childrens Choir sings 3-4 annual concerts.
The conductor for MidtVest Childrens Choir is Anne-Kathrine Højgaard Johansen, who also conducts MidtVest Junior Choir.
Auditions are held for girls age 8-9 every year in late August. MidtVest Girls Choir and the Jutland School of Singing work together with the Herning school administration as our vocal teachers visit most schools in the municipality, looking for new choir members in the 3rd grade.
Auditions are announced in the local newspapers.
Sheet music skills or other musical training is not a requirement. At the audition, the girls sing a song they know. Parents are welcome to attend.