The road to MidtVest Girls Choir begins in MidtVest Childrens Choir.

Every year in august, the vocal consultants from the Jutland School of Singing tour the local schools in Herning, listening to children at the 3rd grade level. Children who show ability and interest in singing are invited to the school of singing with their parents – and quite a few choose to start in the Childrens Choir.

Others show up to auditions for the Childrens Choir announced in the local press. And some have already sung in the Beginners Choir, which is an open offer for children from kindergarten to 2nd grade.

From the Childrens Choir, the girls can audition for MidtVest Junior Choir, a two-year qualifying programme for MidtVest Girls Choir.

In other words, Beginners Choir, Childrens Choir and Junior Choir are steps on the road to one of the best girls choirs in the country. At the same time, the three choirs have each their own profile, identity and concert schedule, planned especially to suit the particular age groups. And each is part of what makes choir life in the MidtVest Girls Choirs special.